Relieved “慰“

Most self-defense tools are designed for attacking, while others like flashlights and alarm bells are less effective in many cases. Self-defense tools should be easy to use, require minimal or no training, be safe for users, and, most importantly, keep the user in a safer position when using them. The problem is that many of these tools are designed for more aggressive use. After considering their usage and the environment they're used in, I believe that pepper spray is a consistently safe, easy-to-use, and commonly effective solution for protecting people in danger.

The new design of the pepper spray, tentatively named "慰" (pronounced as "wei"), addresses two critical issues found in traditional designs: difficulty in aiming and the risk of allowing attackers to control the user's hand. This innovative redesign focuses on improving ergonomics and safety by introducing a new holding position and body movement. These changes aim to make it easier and safer for users to aim and deploy the pepper spray effectively in self-defense situations.

Luminous Silicon Gel strips

Battery + Bluetooth Module

Adding a Bluetooth Module to the button allows the user to connect the spray to smart device to expand more possible features, such as sharing location, sending emergency message, evidence recording, etc.


Compressed "缩"


Forbidden “禁”